Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Awkward Moments

Today in class we started going over chapter 4 from our textbook. Chapter 4 is all about emotions. We did an experiment where we went around campus and our group tried to make a situation awkward. So... we went to the library and had some fun. The experiments results were unanimous- awkward situations will always be present.

My roommates say I'm the queen of awkward, that I can make any situation awkward... I'm not sure if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. I do know, that I wish I had the opposite skill as well, making things less awkward. Instead I just build and build and build on the awkward until it's ready to explode... you can only imagine.

An awkward experience I had recently- I was carrying all my books, posters for GUP, speakers everything... and i was late. So I was practically running across campus with all these things in my arms, getting some pretty odd looks right there. I made it to the MC and was jotting up the stairs, and yeah- fell. It was classic. The funny part was, I was just laughing at myself and people were walking by like, "Should I help her?", "What is she doing?" Nice.

My best friend and I are going to later on in life write a book entitled: "Falling up stairs".


  1. Alright, I had to sympathize with your story. When I was in Junior High...that special time when you want to appear as cool as humanly possible...our library was located up a flight of stairs. Also located at the top of these stairs was a hallway with lockers. I was running to meet up with my class which had met in the library with my arms full of books to return, not that I am an avid reader. As I came to the last step my foot caught, I went down, and the books I had been carrying flew in all directions. I would like to say that no one saw...but that would be a lie...those lockers had owners that were in between classes....Now I'm not sure if this was an awkward moment, but it sure was embarrassing!

  2. so rough. A similar thing happened to me in high school, I wanted to cry.

  3. Great story!

    Isn't it awesome to know that awkward/embarrassing moments happen to everyone!? :) I love it!

    I have a philosophy on these awkward moments, call it what you may- but, I say "If it's happened to you, you have all rights to laugh."
    So next time you see someone tripping up the stairs, it's ok to laugh b/c you've been there. But you should probably also stop to make sure they're ok :)

  4. haha! i can completely relate! i am the queen of awkward. I actually think its fun to make situations awkward! In high school my friends would get frustrated with me cause i would just laugh for hours after an awkward moment. They would be humiliated while i just laughed.
    One time I accidentally ended a World History presentation: "in the name of Jesus Christ, amen". I didn't even notice at first, but I felt a ton of awkward air in the room. I replayed what I had said in my mind. When it clicked I laughed for like 3 hours! I made a lot of other people in the room blush, but I just thought it was hilarious! oops.
