Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can I quit yet?

So I'm in charge of this crazy Guitars Unplugged show, right? Do you ever just wish you could shut yourself away from people you don't want to talk to? I'm having a hard time using the skills I've been learning in my Interpersonal Communications class right now. But nevertheless, I am trying. :)
This has got to be the busiest semester of my entire life here at college. Good thing it will start to calm down near the end of this week. (end of GUP) I had a friend last night, ask me what I was going to do with all my free time. I promptly replied, NOTHING! Not really though... I think when I'm done with GUP I am going to really sit down and get focused on my school work again, I mean I'm here for that, right? I would really like to go hiking. Something outside. It's fall and I love fall, so I want to get out and enjoy it, darn it! :)
I was a little bummed at the fact that I didn't get to carve pumpkins for FHE last night because I had so much homework and GUP stuff to catch up on. My best friend Alayna comes on Sunday tho and we're going to carve pumpkins, go to the haunted mill, have dance parties, eat ice cream, watch movies, play in the leaves, and enjoy being 20 years olds!
Speaking of which, my birthday is in exactly one month from tomorrow- the big 2-1!!! We're going to have a dance party :)

I should go finish reading my chapter for Communications- just one last thing. If you haven't listened to Michael Buble's new album, Crazy in love, yet, then JUMP ON IT! It's awesome! :)


  1. i love fall too, it doesn't exist in rexburg.

  2. I know, big bummer! I saw all the leaves on the trees one day, the next they were all gone. At the same time! and they were green! what's the problem here?... everything! :)

  3. Fall is awesome because it means winter is almost here. I am a fan of snowmachining myself...however, I have decided that winter can last too long. I am curious what you guys thought of the "Emotions Formula" exercise. Did identifying the stimuli and your phyisiological response help you control our congnitive interpretation? I'm sure that could have been useful at GUP!
