Thursday, December 24, 2009

if you're still reading! :)

So I don't know if anyone is still reading these, but I thought I'd let you know something pretty intense. Day after yesterday I went sledding. I want to put a warning on sledding. It is dangerous. I ran into a tree and broke my ankle. It broke all three bones- the fibula, tibia, and talus. What a bummer Christmas present! :(
But word to the wise- don't try to stop going 10-15 miles an hour with your ankle against a tree... it doesn't work so well. :)

Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Test Day

Last night I spent an hour and a half going through the study guide for our test today. I typed up answers again that I had already written down to review more. Then I got up early this morning to study again. I got to class and was feeling okay about things, with the exception of a few ideas I hadn't quite memorized for the test.
Brother Embree LOVES us! He walked in and (in my ears I heard) since I'm the best teacher ever, I'm allowing you to work in groups of 4! Holy cow! This was music to my ears! We finished the test in 15 minutes and I'm pretty sure we rocked on it!
Now that's communication at it's best! When you hear a positive confirming message! :)
I did want to share my funny way of remembering the steps of relationships:
I Entered Isaac's Igloo By Dancing Cha-cha, Salsa, And Tango.
Initiating, Experimenting, Intensifying, Integrating, Bonding, Distinguishing, Circumscribing, Stagnating, Avoiding, and Terminating.
I love fun ways to remember things for tests. haha too bad this wasn't even on the test... :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dishes duty

At the beginning of the semester like any good apartment of girls, we set down some rules for dishes and cleaning and such. It worked great!... for about a week! We brought it up again after just doing the dishes ourselves (there are 4 of us who actually care) and it got better.
Now it's December and the dishes are piling up again. It was funny, Brother Embree actually brought this same idea up in our comm class. That day we were discussing conflict. There are two types of personalities when it comes to conflicts- the avoiders and the confronters. I myself- most def an avoider! I go to others and vent my frustrations, but at all costs never approach the other person, unless forced under pressure. In the dishes dilemma being the avoider, I'd just rather complain and do the dishes myself... getting more and more frustrated each time. (i just keep thinking to myself- 3 more weeks...2 more weeks...) haha I think I'm learning that I need to become a little more of a confronter and balance out my avoider-ness. :) Being both can be a good thing. I don't know, what do you think?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

All about me

Yesterday in class we talked about self-disclosure. First off, did you know that 95% of all communication is superficial- regular ole, how's it goin stuff. When Brother Embree shared that with us, I was blown away. How boring! Then we discussed that it's that way because its SAFE. Why would you trust just any ole person with the secrets of your life?
We did a little group discussing and shared things like our favorite ice cream flavor, favorite trip, what we're most scared of, and a sincere compliment to someone in the group. It was so interesting to see how easy the first questions were and how hard the last two were to answer. You wouldn't think it'd be the hard, esp considering I have known these people since the beginning of the semester.
I've been paying attention to the conversations I have with the people around me and trying to see how far both of us would go in revealing information. With my family and roommates it's easy to share EVERYTHING! But then with my friends I saw on campus, it was the superficial stuff again, for the most part. We do have to take into account that I am a southern girl and therefore share a little more than a gal from Idaho or Washington would... :)
You know, this is something that seems really important to me. I want to try to focus a little more attention on this in the future. This is the key to having MEANINGFUL relationships. Best friends! Boy/girl relationships. I went through a relationship with this guy for 9 months were I disclosed SO much information about myself, and he disclosed very little- not much of a talker. I assume that's why it was so hard to breakup when we did, because he knew SO much about me... I had trusted him with that information.
No wonder we're so careful with our dreams, desires, and secrets... :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am beginning to realize the many different communicational experiences you can have. Really communication involves EVERYTHING! You can't really do something involving another person without communicating. It just doesn't happen. For example, my little sister is trying out for the high school musical and you wouldn't think that would involve communication- just a one-way, you're watching me audition. But really it does involve a 2 way communication. She's communicating to them, I'm trying really hard here, let me in, please! And they're communicating back from their movements or voice, we like you or not. It's interesting to watch different situations. For example tonight, I tried to be nice and make dinner and the couple I was making it for went and got Chinese instead. Communication. Me, volunteering the service, and them communicating altogether no service necessary. That kind of communication sucks! I'm not gonna lie.. :) But that's the point of communicating anways, right? To figure out what the other person wants or get your wants/needs across.
Just getting my thoughts out. :)

Monday, November 16, 2009


Today in class we discussed relationships in depth. Brother Embree asked us to think of two relationships that we've had that have gone bad, or that we want to strengthen. I thought of all my relationships and realized several that may have gone "bad" over the years. Friends from high school that I once was so close with, have seemed to wander on to different paths than I have taken. But then, I've met so many new people that mean SO much to me, and for different reasons. I'm realizing that I'm growing up and maturing and finding importance in different areas than I did when in high school. Then it was all very superficial and now it seems so real.
Thinking about the relationships I'm gaining and losing makes me think about those people that are important to me:
My family is number one! These people are not only my family (mother, father, siblings) they are my best friends! People think it's silly that I call my mother 3 times or more a day, but when I want to just "chat".. that's who I call. I turn to them for advice, for love, for comfort, and for everything else I need. I hope that they feel the same about me.
My roommates are essential to my happiness here at school. In the past I've had roommates that, you know the saying "Make it or break it?" well... suffice it to say, they broke it. Finally I made the best decision I've made since I've been here at school and moved in with the people I live with now. What a joy they bring to my life! They offer advice, support, a shoulder to cry on, and FUN! I know these are lasting relationships because the give and take is the same on both sides. It's a healthy great relationship.
My friends at work are the people that are next closest to me. I would call them my best friends as well. I tell them about my day, my life, boys... everything! (after 3 hours of work everyday- you pretty much know them inside and out) They also keep me going, cheer me up, and help me to see the brighter side of things- or they grump with me :)
I love relationships- making new friends.
I guess after all of this evaluation I hope that if I read a post on my friend's friends, I could be listed on their lists. I hope that I am as great a friend in return as they are to me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I didn't fully understand until the other day, how important listening is our communication with others. I thought I had the concept of listening down, but what I was really doing was "hearing". Listening is taking in the information and actually... caring? Yeah. We did an example in class where we talked with a partner and told them a problem and they did the same, while listening we had to listen and not offer advice but try to help them solve their problem by having them sort through their feelings. It was super beneficial to me. I'm terrible at listening to a person's story and always comparing it to a moment I had similar to theirs. So now I'm trying to listen to what people have to tell me and ask them more questions about it and how they're feeling towards it. Vs. moving the attention from my friends to me.
An example:
Yesterday my good friend was telling me about this guy that she likes and they text frequently and he hadn't texted her in a hour or so. She was upset about this. I thought instantly of a moment where the same thing happened to me and was just about to share this moment, when instead I decided to ask her how she felt about that? She continued to explain and sort through her feelings. In the end she ended up being happier about her situation vs just hearing a dumb story from me. It was great!
I'm going to try to implement this in my everyday conversations from here on out.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Swine Flu :(

Let me tell you what- Swine flu is not so desirable! For the past 3 days I've been confined to the walls of my room. I feel like I'm in another world between the constant stream of movies coming in and the lack of communication with "outsiders". (other than facebook) I can honestly say I now have a genuine acceptance of the importance of communication. Especially interpersonal communication! I read the chapter for the days I've missed thus far and read the chapter for which I am to prepare a presentation. Since most of the chapters in this book thusfar are centered around communication, I think it's interesting we picked the relationship chapter. ("...hmm. Chapter 8 looks good, it's not the first and not the last, sounds good...") yeah, great picking. Altho, it was interesting, as I was reading this chapter I couldn't help thinking of the various relationships I've been in and comparing them to what was said. As a general rule I could see where we went wrong with our communication. My last relationship had a big problem with communication. We just didn't talk about anything really other than school, work, and what we were gonna do that day. Disaster. My goal in my next relationship- whenever that is, is to communicate more. I look at my mother and father and my sisters and their marriages and wow! They talk with eachother more than I would have expected. It's interesting to see what I'm reading come into play in the lives of those around me. Connections!! :)
Any good ideas on how to portray relationships to a class whose thoughts are already consumed with relationships? :)

Friday, October 16, 2009


I think it's interesting that most of my classes this semester have connections to each other. Specifically all of them to my communication class. It's really cool! In class this morning we discussed emotions and in my Spanish class, i coincidentally am teaching a lesson on emotions. So now I can add some newly gained input from my comm class.

My teacher brought up an interesting point when it comes to emotions. They can either be good or bad depending on intensity or duration. We were sent home with an assignment to think about if there were any emotions we could think of that were ones we didn't need.
Now- I'm a person with MANY emotions, I mean, I'm a theatre major for heaven sakes. I believe emotions are essential to our existence. I think that all emotions have the potential to be for our good. Some would argue that hate should never be an emotion used. I don't necessarily see hate as an emotion- I think that hate is an attitude toward things, situations, or people. It's an attitude that we can change. They'd argue that we don't need anger, but I think that anger is a very useful emotion because it can foster situations to help a person grow. Take the play, "Much Ado about Nothing", there are two main relationships, one- they never argue or get angry, the other is always bickering and resolving. Honestly, which will last longer? I forsee the relationship of bickering lasting longer in the end than the other, b/c they argue, they get angry, they resolve things together and end up growing together in those aspects because they're able to present them to one another.

I think that all emotions are necessary to our growth in this life. Yes, the Savior was perfect, he never exhibited "hate" but he again, is perfect. We are the natural man, and I believe that we were blessed with emotions so that we can take each situation and apply it in our lives to help us grow so that we can, put off the natural man and become perfected as our Redeemer is.

I guess some would say I have some strong opinions about this topic, but I believe what I believe. And I know what I know. :)

just food for thought...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Awkward Moments

Today in class we started going over chapter 4 from our textbook. Chapter 4 is all about emotions. We did an experiment where we went around campus and our group tried to make a situation awkward. So... we went to the library and had some fun. The experiments results were unanimous- awkward situations will always be present.

My roommates say I'm the queen of awkward, that I can make any situation awkward... I'm not sure if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. I do know, that I wish I had the opposite skill as well, making things less awkward. Instead I just build and build and build on the awkward until it's ready to explode... you can only imagine.

An awkward experience I had recently- I was carrying all my books, posters for GUP, speakers everything... and i was late. So I was practically running across campus with all these things in my arms, getting some pretty odd looks right there. I made it to the MC and was jotting up the stairs, and yeah- fell. It was classic. The funny part was, I was just laughing at myself and people were walking by like, "Should I help her?", "What is she doing?" Nice.

My best friend and I are going to later on in life write a book entitled: "Falling up stairs".

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I just realized I'm supposed to use this blog to comment on what I've been learning in class. I think I'll do everyother post liek this, and try to keep you updated on my crazy life as well.

In class we just finished up a couple of chapters and took a test. We had an assignment to interview someone with different beliefs than ours and just listen with an open mind, then to write what we learned. I wrote a paper, but I thought I'd share here as well. I talked with my wonderful brother about politics. I will openly admit, I know nothing of politics and to a certain point, don't care about them. (guilty) On the other hand, my brother has some very strong opinions and beliefs about politics. So we chatted on the phone for an hour. Honestly, it was one of the best conversations I've had in a while. I listened with an open mind and gained a lot of insight. No, i'm not going to say I've become a liberalist now. But I will say that he helped to open my eyes to not only things he has noticed, but to the whole politics thing in general. I should be watching the news, or atleast catching up on things in the world. I should be forming my own opinions, and researching those, versus just going off of other's ideas and beliefs.

I think the most important thought I gained from this chat with Jeremy was that we can either take what's going on with the country and the world and nitpick every little thing and try to find every little thing that's wrong. OR we can take the fact that Obama is our president and look for the good in what he's doing. We can stay optimistic and look for what we agree with versus being upset about the bad things all the time. It's all about having an open mind!

Can I quit yet?

So I'm in charge of this crazy Guitars Unplugged show, right? Do you ever just wish you could shut yourself away from people you don't want to talk to? I'm having a hard time using the skills I've been learning in my Interpersonal Communications class right now. But nevertheless, I am trying. :)
This has got to be the busiest semester of my entire life here at college. Good thing it will start to calm down near the end of this week. (end of GUP) I had a friend last night, ask me what I was going to do with all my free time. I promptly replied, NOTHING! Not really though... I think when I'm done with GUP I am going to really sit down and get focused on my school work again, I mean I'm here for that, right? I would really like to go hiking. Something outside. It's fall and I love fall, so I want to get out and enjoy it, darn it! :)
I was a little bummed at the fact that I didn't get to carve pumpkins for FHE last night because I had so much homework and GUP stuff to catch up on. My best friend Alayna comes on Sunday tho and we're going to carve pumpkins, go to the haunted mill, have dance parties, eat ice cream, watch movies, play in the leaves, and enjoy being 20 years olds!
Speaking of which, my birthday is in exactly one month from tomorrow- the big 2-1!!! We're going to have a dance party :)

I should go finish reading my chapter for Communications- just one last thing. If you haven't listened to Michael Buble's new album, Crazy in love, yet, then JUMP ON IT! It's awesome! :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New to this...

So I'm new to this whole "blogging thing". :) Bare with me... I was given an assignment in my Comm class: create a blog, twitter, or podcasts? (whatever those are!) I tried the twitter thing, but couldn't really get into or find time to just "kill" on there. My siblings have a blog so I figured if they can keep one up between kids and their life, I can too! So here's my second shot at my comm class assignment.

As my blogger site says- I am a Crazy College Chica. If there's something to do, I've most likely got my hands in it. Right now I'm a little in over my head between work, school, homework, and Guitars Unplugged.

Guitars Unplugged is a show here on campus, the biggest actually, and I'm the manager for it! ah! So between all the planning and meetings, I'm trying to find time to have fun with it.

One of the most interesting things we've done in my Comm class so far is a 3 minute presentation on ourselves. I'm not too hot at getting up with nothing to say, so I wrote out a little "somethin somethin", to delay me looking like a fool. :)

So here's a posting of it- enjoy!

I'll update more later! :)


I believe there are three separate phases in a person's life.
The past, present, and future made of happiness and strife.
To truly know a person you must explore each,
a poem? what better way to share and teach.

To begin, I was born in the Appalachian mountains of NC,
fourth of five children we roamed those mountains wild and free.
Following in every footstep of my eldest sister,
I wanted to be and do everything just like her.

Some would call me a back in the sticks girl living in a boys world.
For I climbed trees, caught bugs and frogs,
even built forts inside of logs.
Adventure was my middle name,
my little dreams and heart were hard to tame.

Being young and innocent I thought myself invincible,
dreams of traveling, love, and life found me not a fool.
Encouraged by my mother to be anything at all,
My inspirations changed day to day, hope never to fall.

When we moved to Raleigh things began to change,
I grew up and my interests began to range.
From chorus to painting to theater and everything in between,
I had to have my hands in art by almost any means.

With the addition of hobby interests boys came into view,
being a girl teenager I was sure to learn a thing or two.
From crushes to heartaches to breaking others hearts,
I realized love is in us all, never to really part.

My mother is a southern belle and so became my philosophy,
that love is great and a hopeless romantic I would be.
Growing up on old time movies and classics of the age,
prince charming will come, of that my mind won't change.

Now “grown up” and far from my family of best friends,
I have my personality and thoughts, dreams now to defend.
From climbing trees and being daddy's little helper,
I have to have my own opinion and standards now to shelter.

My roommates say I'm one of a kind crazy to the core,
Being a theater major I'd say they're right, I'm definitely not a bore.
Realizing my little self, I'd say some things never change,
Adventure is still my middle name, new horizons now to claim.

I still love to be among the free of the great open wide outdoors,
versus hiding away in my apartment with homework and stuffy chores.
I love to be taken to another place within the realm of a movie,
but also to pick up a book and find action, romance, and fantasy.

When stressed out with homework, work or school,
You'll find me at the piano- it's almost a rule.
For there I find solace in white and black keys,
not a fan of the classical, but new age for me, please.

Altho far from home and on my own,
I still call my mom at least five times a day on the phone.
I love to talk and with her we sure can,
In between classes, walking stairs, it's never a plan.

The present is a little fuzzy with all that's going on,
It's hard to find time to think about me when the time is going, gone.
That little girl is inside of me fighting to break free,
but a woman now I have to be in this society.

I don't like change but try to take it with a smile,
hoping for things to stay the same all the little while.
In my mind, I'm still not ready to grow up and be,
but yet at the same time the want exists in me.

So you can see as anyone can that I'm a little mixed up,
but now is the time to live and learn and drink from wisdom's cup.
I decided I don't have to have it all figured out right now,
Just take it one day at a time and I'll get through it somehow.

I love my life and everyone in it tho it may be a bit confusing,
But it's challenges and people that keep it like that, and oh so quite amusing.

Before I delve into the future I seek,
I'll add a few lines about this gospel, a peek.
I know that my Redeemer lives, oh how true a line is this,
I want to share this with everyone-this truth- they cannot miss.
I know my Heavenly Father is always near to me,
reaching and helping and comforting just as I want to be.

As I want to be...
I have many aspirations for me.
I want to graduate and do something good,
I want to become as I know that I should.

I want to meet prince charming one way or another,
I want him to take me to the temple forever.
I want to have children one day of my own,
and teach them the way that my mother has shown.

I want to be able to say when I'm through,
that the time was well spent not a second too few.
I want to be a grandmother that the grand-kids adore,
the one that bakes cookies and advice they come to for.

I think I've described more than enough about me,
if you want to know more, just wait and see.
I change everyday- my thoughts and my dreams,
just as I did when I was little, it seems.